Cookie Table - Lifeboat.app

Last Updated: 4th August 2021


The cookie table below provides you with information about the type, categories, purpose and duration of cookies placed by Lifeboat and Third Party Service Providers.


First Party Cookies

Name Purpose Duration Category
PHPSESSIONID Built-in cookie by PHP for storing sessions  Session  Essential
accepted_cookie Identifies if you have accepted marketing cookies  Session  Essential 


Third-Party Providers

Name Policy Purpose Category
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/policy.php To analyse marketing performance Analytics/Marketing
Hotjar https://www.hotjar.com/legal/policies/privacy/ To identify UI/UX related issues on our website Analytics
Google Analytics https://policies.google.com/privacy To identify marketing performance, and optimise our website Analytics
Google Ads https://policies.google.com/privacy To analyse marketing performance Analytics/Marketing
Microsoft https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement To analyse marketing performance  Analytics/Marketing