You've set up your online store, and added your products, now what?
If you're new to running an online business, you're probably wondering if all your work would pay off. Wouldn't it be great if someone (or something) could review your work and give you some actionable feedback?
Introducing Catalog Analyser
This free yet powerful Lifeboat app will automatically analyse all your product pages and let you know what you can improve, and it will even give you an overall score to let you know how you're doing.
At the time of writing there are more than 20 checks available ranging from SEO (how optimised your products are to rank on search engines), User-Experience and generic quality checks.
The Checks
Empty Description - A good product description is crucial to ranking well on Google and also generating sales
Missing Summary - Similar to the description it's essential to have a good product hook
Missing Image - It's almost impossible to generate online sales without great product images
Image Quality - A high-quality image will entice people in buying your products, blurry or pixelated images hurt sales
Missing Meta Title - The meta title is the title that is shown on search engines such as Google. Lifeboat will try to create one for you if this is missing but, it's always better to create a more catchy title yourself
Missing Meta Description - Similar to Meta Title, the meta description is the short snippet of text shown underneath your title on search engines. This should hook people into visiting your product page
Short Description - Some buyers will want to know everything about your product before purchasing. Here we perform some checks to ensure your product description gives as much detail as possible
Short Summary - Similar to the description, the summary should be compelling, not too long, not too short
Single Image - Having a product image is essential however, having more product images will help you generate more sales
Short Meta Title - Google gives you the option to have up 60 characters in your Meta Title, you should try to use as much of it as possible
Short Meta Description - Google gives you the option to have up to ± 160 characters in your Meta Description, try to use as much of it as possible
Long Meta Title - A meta title will get truncated beyond 60 characters which will result in suboptimal listings on Google
Long Meta Description - A meta description will get truncated beyond ± 160 characters which will result in suboptimal listings on Google
Missing Product Type - A product type will let Facebook shop, Google marketplace, and other marketplaces understand your product category and thus be able to rank your product higher in their search results
Missing Product Search Data - Search data enables your users to more easily filter through your products
Missing Vendor - People are likely to not trust your site if they don't see the brand of the product. Even if you're the manufacturer of your product, it's always a great idea to fill in the vendor field.
Missing Product Meta Data - Metadata is not visible to users but is exposed to marketplaces such as Facebook, Instagram & Google marketplace. This is sometimes required by the marketplaces to properly categorise your products but even when it's not, it's a great idea to add it.
The title is all Uppercase - People don't like to yelled at. So why have your title in uppercase?
The summary is all Uppercase - People don't like to yelled at. So why have your summary in uppercase?
Vendor name is present in the Product name - It's great to add your product brand name, but avoid having it in the product name as it will mislead users.
Setting up the App
So, if you like the prospect of this app checking your product catalogue, now how do we set it up?
Simply visit and log in with your Lifeboat credentials. This will register your site with the app and in a few hours, the data will automatically start to populate.
You'll know that the app has finished analysing your product catalog when the system indicator shows "Test data is up-to-date".
Product Detail
Once the app has finished analysing your product catalog, you'll have a list of all your products and their score. Clicking on the products will take you to a page where you can see which areas need improvement.
This free app will give you an action list to improve your product catalog on Lifeboat and help you improve sales online.