Selling with Facebook & Instagram
One of the best ways to attract new customers is by posting your products on Facebook & Instagram. However, uploading your products one by one on these platforms can take a lot of effort. In this short tutorial, we'll go over how you can synchronize your Lifeboat store with Facebook & Instagram so that all your products are automatically listed on these platforms.
- Lifeboat Store
- Facebook Page (You must be the admin of the page)
Additional Requirements (if you're syncing instagram):
- Have your Instagram account connected to your Facebook Page
1. Setting up the Facebook Store
Head to Facebook Commerce Manager and;
- From the Get Started page:
- Click on + Create Shop.
- Click Next.
- In the Choose Checkout Method page:
- Select Checkout on Another Website.
- Click Next.
- In the Choose Sales Channels page:
- Select the Page you want to sell from.
Some pages are not eligible for online sales, check with Facebook policies to confirm your page qualifies.
- Click Next.
- From the Connect Business Account page:
- Select the Business Account you want to use.
If you don’t have a business account yet, you should create one now and make sure to give admin rights to your page, to that account.
- Click Next.
- A popup will come up to Confirm Business Email.
Make sure to use an email which you regularly open. We suggest using the same email you use to login in Lifeboat.
- Click Submit.
- From the Add products page:
- Select Create New Catalog.
- Specify a Catalog Name.
We suggest using your store name here example;
- Click Next.
- In the Preview page:
- Double check all the information is correct.
- Check the box marked By submitting your shop for review, you agree to our Merchant Agreement.
- Click Finish Setup.
- Wait for your shop to be approved by Facebook
More detailed instructions can be found here:
2. Setting up the Facebook Store
Head to Facebook Commerce Manager and;
- Click on the Shop you created earlier.
- Expand the Catalog menu from the left sidebar.
- Click on Data Sources.
- Click on Add Products.
- Select Use Bulk Upload.
- Click Next.
- From the Choose Upload Option page;
- Select Scheduled feed
- Click Next
- In the Set Up Feed page;
- In the Enter URL field enter; https://lifeboat_store_url/products.csv.
Example: or if using a custom domain.
- Click Next.
- In the Schedule Updates page;
- Select how often you would like your products to be updated.
We recommend selecting daily.
- Enable Add automatic updated.
- Click Next.
- In the Complete Settings page;
- Give a name to your Data Source.
We suggest leaving the default value here.
- Set the Default Currency
This should be the same currency as your Lifeboat store.
- Click Upload
3. Done
Now sit back for a second and enjoy seeing your Facebook and Instagram pages getting automatically populated with products, from your Lifeboat Store.
You can now run Ads with pictures, pricing, etc.. automatically updated between your store and Facebook / Instagram.