Tax Codes

Taxes, especially when selling internationally can quickly become a headache to deal with. Tax Codes is Lifeboat's answer to taxation for your products on your online store.


Properties of a Tax Code

Name - An internal label for the specific Tax Code
Tax Percentage - The percentage of tax that will be applied when this tax code is applied to a product
Tax Zones - A variation of tax percentage based on the location of the visitor. Using the Delivery Zones to group locations.


Creating a Tax Code

  1. Go to Settings > Tax Codes
  2. Click on Add Tax Code
  3. Enter a name in Tax Code Name
  4. Specify the Tax Percentage
  5. Click Save


Applying Taxes to Products

  1. Go to Products
  2. Click on the product you need to apply taxes to
  3. In the field labelled Tax Code, select the Tax Code that applies to this product
  4. Click Save


Geo-Targeted / B2B Taxes

If you need to apply specific taxes for a specific zone in the world, or when a valid VAT / Tax ID is supplied by your customers;

  1. Go to Settings > Tax Codes
  2. Click the Tax Code that requires special rates
  3. Click on Add Tax Zone
  4. Select the Delivery Zone where the specific rate need to be applied
  5. Enter the Tax %
  6. Optionally: Supply a B2B Tax % if different taxes should be applied to customers that provide a valid VAT / Tax ID
  7. Click Save


Editing a Tax Code

  1. Go to Settings > Tax Codes
  2. Click on the Tax Code you'd like to update
  3. Update the Tax Code
  4. Click Save


Delete a Tax Code

  1. Go to Settings > Tax Codes
  2. Click on the bin icon next to the Tax Code you'd like to delete
  3. Confirm your selection
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